This one page resources is a quick guide flow chart resource on smoking cessation brief intervention for health professionals.
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Quit for You Quit for Two App
Quick guide to smoking cessation brief intervention
How to quit smoking when you’re pregnant app
Do you know how to quit smoking when you’re pregnant?
The Quit for You – Quit for Two app offers you support and encouragement if you’re pregnant, or planning to become pregnant, and want to quit smoking.
It will:
- take your mind off the cravings with fun exercises and games to keep your hands busy
- distract you when you feel the urge to light up, with practical quit tips and advice
- inspire you to keep going, with amazing facts about your baby’s development
- give you ideas on what you could buy with the money you’re saving
The app is easily customised. You can:
- get daily reminders and word of encouragement
- enter your quit date
- get automatic messages to let you know how your baby’s growing
Nicotine Replacement Therapy in pregnancy
Can I use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) during my pregnancy and while breastfeeding?
If I am already three months pregnant, is it still worth quitting?
Is it OK to cut down, rather than quit?
If smoking relaxes me, isn’t this good for my baby?
To get the answers read this Smoking in pregnancy Fact Sheet
No Butts Baby
These short animations provide options for pregnant women to help make quitting smoking in pregnancy less stressful. The first dispels some of the myths about smoking and quitting when pregnant. The second covers behavioural strategies and Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to support pregnant mothers in their quit journey.